Betrayal: The Ethel Rosenberg Story
Parenti, Alisa M.

BETRAYAL: The Ethel Rosenberg Story follows the case of the “Atomic Spy” Julius Rosenberg and his wife, Ethel. In this historical fiction novel, Alisa Parenti takes readers from the tenement halls of the Lower East Side to the walls of Sing Sing as the United States is engulfed by the “Red Scare.” Ethel, the first woman on death row for conspiracy to commit espionage, speaks with Mary Wurth, a young reporter from Queens looking to prove her worth. With the world divided on whether Ethel should live or die, Mary struggles to understand what it means to be an American, and is enamored with the prospect of seeing the true Ethel.
BETRAYAL explores issues deeply impacting our world, such as the unequal treatment of women, the debate on capitalism versus socialism, and growing nationalism around the globe. Ultimately, this book asks readers what it really means to betray—or to be betrayed.