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Guinevere: The Dragon Ring

Reid, Fil


When her father dies, and with her ne’er-do-well twin brother on the other side of the world, it’s left to Gwen to fulfil her father’s wishes and scatter his ashes on the top of Glastonbury Tor in Somerset, England. Stepping into the ruined church tower, a gold ring catches her eye – a ring embossed with a dragon emblem. When Gwen picks it up, she’s snatched into the dangerous world of the Dark Ages, where she discovers she’s expected to fulfil a prophecy, by marrying Prince Arthur and helping him become the king of legend.

"The Dragon Ring is a masterful description of life in early Britain and its warlords - real or mythical" (Leonard Smuts, Reader's Favorites 5*)
59 ratings (84% 5*) on amazon
4.65 on Goodreads

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