A Trick of Fate
Riley, Stella

B.R.A.G. Medallion honoree.
Max Brandon is receiving bills for services he never ordered and goods he did not buy. For reasons he can't begin to guess, someone is 'borrowing' his identity to cause him maximum annoyance.
When the games move closer to home, almost forcing him to fight a duel … more particularly, when they draw in Frances Pendleton, a lady he never expected to see again … Max vows to catch the man behind them, no matter what the cost.
The result is a haphazard chase involving ruined abbeys, a hunt for hermits, a grotesque portrait … and a love story which, but for this odd trick of fate, might never have been given a second chance.
Stella Riley's Rockliffe series has been recommended in The Times.
She is also the 2019 Readers' Favorite Gold Medallist for Historical Romance.