As an unpublished or self-published author, it can be a relentless struggle to attract a significant amount of attention to your book or manuscript. By purchasing an editorial review, authors can have the opportunity to build some name recognition and get noticed by agents, publishers and other industry influencers.
Our indie reviews are written by qualified professionals, such as authors, librarians, creative executives and more. While we do not guarantee positive reviews, unfavorable reviews can be taken as valuable feedback for improvements and ultimately do not have to be published on our site. Our most popular review option is priced at $99, so you can receive an affordable book review that could boost your writing career. Get started by following the steps below:

We give trustworthy, unbiased reviews of your historical fiction novel.
The Historical Fiction Company CEO is a Member of the Historical Novel Society, and collaborates with
the well-renowned historical fiction blogger at The Coffee Pot Book Club, as well as featured authors with Bookouture.
A Top Ranked Amazon, Goodreads, and Netgalley Reviewer
Here at The Historical Fiction Company, we believe that all authors, whether traditionally published or indie, deserve a chance at success, and to see their hard work praised and honored in a forum that exclusively supports historical fiction. If you have perused out pages here at The Historical Fiction Company, you will see how much we love the genre and supporting the authors who produce quality fiction for readers. If you have spent months, perhaps years, writing your novel, then you deserve a quality review.
What do I get with my review?
Each work is given an objective review of approximately 400-1000 words including a header at the top of the review.
Each novel is reviewed honestly and fairly. If the review is not positive, the author has a refusal option, thus the review will not be posted or published. The review is the property of the purchasing author and may be used, or not, in whatever manner they choose.
If the review is not positive, the reviewer will give constructive feedback to the author if requested.
We cannot and will not guarantee a positive review, but we can promise an objective, honest evaluation of a work. Always fair, not critical.
All HFC reviews are published here:
The website, HFC Facebook Page, the Historical Fiction Club FB group, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest; as well as our weekly newsletter and blog which reaches all of our subscribers. Reviews are promoted every 2-3 weeks in social media, boosted with our SEO and keyword targeting, with banner ads in our bookstore, and receive exclusive marketing packages for free (only 5 star reviewed books).
Why should I pay for a review?
Book promotion is a necessary skill whether you are a traditionally published author or indie (unless you've snagged a six-figure book deal from one of the top 5), and book reviews are a powerful tool to draw in readers. Editorial reviews are different from reader reviews that trickle in after a long period of time. Editorial reviews serve as your ally in boosting confidence in your book and to capture a reader's attention. Paying for an editorial review is an industry-accepted practice, with well-known reviewers such as Kirkus, so this gives you an idea of the impact an editorial review can have for you book. Positive editorial reviews posted below the descriptions on sites such as Amazon, or on your book covers, can make all the difference in a reader purchasing your book. Believe it or not, readers do use editorial reviews to make the decision to buy.
What is an Editorial Review worth to an Author?
A positive review creates content for social media posts, marketing materials, bloggers, press releases, author platforms and websites, book clubs, meta-data, author interviews, distribution and public relations, book sales, and more!
How much does a Royal Editorial Book Review cost?
Standard book review service (12-16 weeks) costs $99. If you need a review sooner, you may purchase expedited service (2-4 weeks) for $150
How is a book evaluated?
1. First and foremost - Is the story compelling?
2. The professionalism of editing and formatting.
3. Characterization
4. Pacing
5. Continuity of story-line
6. Intriguing opening
7. Satisfying ending (not necessarily “happy”)
8. Uniqueness of story
9. Writing craft
10. Plotting craft
11. Historical nuances - accuracy and authenticity
We accept work in the following formats: MOBI, EPUB, or PDF; Indie, Hybrid, or Traditional; Paperbacks or Hardcovers; Pre-publication Manuscripts or ARCs.
What are the categories for submission?
Historical Fiction / General (HFC Hugo Award)
Historical Literary (HFC Steinbeck Award)
Historical Romance / General / Regency (HFC Austen Award)
Historical Mystery / Suspense / Thriller (HFC Christie Award)
Historical Time Travel / Dual Timeline (HFC Wells Award)
Historical Alternate / Dystopian (HFC Orwell Award)
Historical Gothic (HFC Shelley Award)
Historical Non-fiction (HFC Woolf Award)
Historical YA / Children (HFC Barrie Award)
Historical Short Story/Novella (HFC Poe Award)
Historical Fantasy / Science Fiction (HFC Verne Award)
Historical War (HFC Hemingway Award)
Historical Americana / Western (HFC Hawthorne Award)
Historical Latin - Spain, Central & South America, etc. (HFC Marquez Award)
Historical Europe (HFC Tolstoy Award)
Historical Middle East, Africa, India, Asia, etc. (HFC Forster Award)
Historical UK & Commonwealth (Great Britain, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, Canada, etc.) (HFC Bronte Award)
Who Will Review My Book?
Our review team is made up of authors, booksellers, librarians, educators, and avid readers, from all across North America and the UK, selected for their expertise in historical fiction. Our reviewers share a passion for good historical fiction and the authors who write them. Our mission is to help support HF authors and to discover those hidden gems!
What Happens When the Review of My Book is Complete?
The review is sent to you first, and it is for you to decide if you want to go public with it. Or not.
If you decide to publish the review, we will submit it at multiple social media sites and promote it in multiple forms. And so should you! Put it on your book cover, use the editorial review section on book retailer descriptions, and blast it out on all your social media.
The review belongs to you to use as you see fit to promote your book but we ask that you give a shout-out to The Historical Fiction Company as the provider of the review.
What happens if the review is negative?
Nothing, unless you want it published.
Is Your Book Ready for a Royal Editorial Review?
If you are an author with an unpublished or published work of historical fiction, edited and polished, and you are serious about getting the word out about your novel, then you are ready to submit. Welcome!!
Click the "Get Started" link above, select the review option and pay for your review. When you submit your order, you’ll get an email from our team confirming receipt of your request.
After you place your order, you will be sent an email with simple instructions to send us your book or manuscript.
Upon receipt of your book or manuscript, our editor will assign your project to a qualified reviewer who will read the complete book and write a full review. Please be patient and allow our reviewers to enjoy your book!
We will email your review to you upon completion, and you must email us back to let us know whether to publish it on our site or keep it private. All four-star and five-star reviews are automatically published and entered into our yearly contest.