Award-winning authors, books & reviews.


Working with Dee has been an exceptional experience. Since last summer, I have published three novellas with her help and guidance. As a new author, the services have been outstanding, and I have found Dee to be responsive, thoughtful, and professional. I couldn't ask for more.

From the outset, their professionalism, personal touch, and familial atmosphere have made this journey not just a business endeavor, but a collaborative partnership. The team at Historium Press has shown an unwavering commitment to excellence, providing insightful editorial guidance while respecting the integrity of my work.

When I submitted my manuscript for Zig Zag Woman to the Historical Fiction Company for review, I never dreamed it would receive a 5 star award and be on its way to publication! Dee Marley's encouragement, clear communications, and attention to detail have made this a truly collaborative effort. So to all writers with manuscripts and great ideas lurking somewhere on their hard drives, my best advice is to contact HFC. Magic may well happen!