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Rise of the First Wessex King

Proudfoot, A J

When the Saxons, invited to settle in Britannia by King Wyrtgeorn, brutally murder the father and brother of Ceredig, the second son of a fifth century Romano-British chieftain, he flees the land of his birth.
While the Saxons expand their control over Britannia, Ceredig grows up in Armorica, learning the ways of the Gewisse, and ultimately taking command of this elite force of warriors, who had remained loyal to his father, Elisedd.
Despite ruling as a chieftain in Armorica, Ceredig remains determined to return to his homeland, avenge his father and brother’s murder, and finally reclaim the lands his father had once ruled in southern Britannia.
After over forty years in exile, Ceredig, his son and a force of Gewisse warriors return to Britannia, joining a large army of Britons who are preparing to take on the Saxons in battle at Badonbyrg.
What happens next will go down in history…

Historical Fiction



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Secrets in the Sky


Aviatrix adventures and the Great War in the air

Under British skies, Ayda de Corsi secretly delivers planes for war flying from factories to airfields to flying schools.Not everyone is happy though.And life is about to get a whole lot worse when she encounters the enigmatic but flawed ace, Major Rick Randal as he readies his elite squadron for combat.
For across the Channel, a brutal war is unfolding.Bloody April has left the Royal Flying Corps decimated and in need of a new fighter. Can they turn things around?

‘When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward…’

Take off on a trail of blast and burn, meet the aces, the planes.How those magnificent men turned their flying machines to war. And the intrepid aviatrix who watched them do so.The story of the First World War like never before—from the air.

Historical Fiction,Historical Aviation



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Armistead, Anne

The Carousel Time Traveler

When Mirabelle Montgomery visits the Luxembourg Carousel in Paris, a mysterious time shifter sweeps her into the Carousel’s time travel vortex and transports her to 1900 Paris. Her return is allowed once she completes her mission to restore a man’s fate gone wrong. But whose?

Upon meeting dangerously sexy Jacques Thibaut, Mirabelle believes she has found her man. His life’s purpose as a stellar police detective has been derailed by accusations of plotting with anarchists to overthrow the French government.

If she proves Jacques to be innocent, his life resets to its rightful providence. He will win back his job and those who once believed in him, including the woman he planned to marry.

Mirabelle’s determination to complete her mission kindles passion between them. But their falling in love jeopardizes everything, for his true destiny does not include her. Beside, she cannot remain with him in 1900 Paris . . . can she?

Five stars, highly recommended

Historical Time Travel
1900 Edwardian



The Sea's Edge

Pettersen, Garth

Is the true enemy his own self-doubt?

In 1030 CE, King Cnute sends Harald, his middle son, to the Kingdom of Dublin to meet with his Norse-Irish allies. He is to coordinate an invasion of the northern Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd, to replace King Rhydderch who is growing too powerful on England’s borders. Harald is reluctant to be involved in affairs of state, but agrees to go, even though his beloved wife, Selia, is unwell. Harald tells Selia he will not have to take part in the fighting.
To appease the king of Dublin, Harald commits to leading their combined forces in the attack on Wales. The plan is to replace King Rhydderch with Iago, the weaker King of Anglesey. The more Harald learns of these monarchs, the more his allegiance leans toward the man he has been sent to kill.
Will Harald unseat a strong and just ruler to carry out his father/king’s commands, or will he tread a more righteous road, which will destroy the life he and Selia have built in England.

Historical Fiction



The Cold Hearth

Pettersen, Garth

The sons of Cnute are dead men.

"The sons of Cnute are dead men." The dying words of his brother's assailant travel across the North Sea to the English Midlands.

Harald, the king's second son, receives the warning while rebuilding a hall where he hopes to farm and lead a peaceful life with Selia, his Frisian wife. But as the hall nears completion, they learn the family who lived there before them all perished in a single night of bloodshed. Could the grounds be cursed?

Now the threat of unknown enemies casts a long shadow. Should they distrust the brooding Saxon neighbor or the two weapon-bearers they hired for protection? Should they suspect either of the two women they have taken on with the other hirelings? Only their Jewish warrior friend, Ravya ben Naaman, seems above suspicion.

"This was quite a story, of course action and adventure, violence and mayhem; but also tenderness and caring, duty and honor and living with integrity." Books Are Theatre of the Mind Reviews ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Historical Fiction



The Dane Law

Pettersen, Garth

Will he seize the crown to save the kingdom?

This sequel to Garth Pettersen's acclaimed debut historical novel, The Swan's Road, continues the story of Harald, second son of King Cnute, and his wife Selia Fehr in the eleventh century.
After a peaceful year running their Frisian estate, Harald and Selia are called to Engla-lond. Their return is marked by violence and intrigue. The king has vowed to Queen Emma that their son Harthacnute will inherit the throne, but the atheling is cruel and reckless. Many view Harald as the better choice, which makes him a target for the ruthless supporters of his half-brother. King Cnute urges Harald to be prepared to assume the throne should Harthacnute prove unfit.
Harald resists being swept up by forces beyond his control, but doubts he and Selia will survive the reign of King Hartha.
And what of his older brother, Sweyn?
The Dane Law is a welcome addition to the wealth of Anglo-Saxon tales written by Bernard Cornwell, Rosemary Sutcliff, and Nicola Griffith.

Historical Fiction



The Swan's Road

Garth Pettersen

Where do his loyalties lie?

In the eleventh century, Cnute, the Viking king of Engla-lond and Scandinavia, sails with his son, Harald, and his shield brothers to Rome. Thrown off course by a storm, they follow the route up the Rhine. When Harald hangs back to assist Selia, a beautiful Frisian woman, his path turns perilous. New found enemies, retainers of Robert the Devil, Duke of Normandy, pursue them. Harald, Selia, and their companions fail to rendezvous with King Cnute, and are forced to travel cross-country on horseback. If Duke Robert's plan to assassinate Cnute succeeds, an invasion of Engla-lond will follow. Can Harald and Selia reach Rome in time to warn the King?

"Pettersen endows his quick-thinking hero with the amazing resilience and determination he needs to survive family treacheries and the brutal "justice" of the time. "The haunting descriptions of Engla-lond in the haying month, Cnute's fleet in harbour, rolling hills, and woodlands ... "
Mary Keane Review

Historical Fiction



The Execution, Life and Times of Patrick O'Donnell

O'Donnell Gavin

Journey from famine & civil war, to the rope.

History tells us that Patrick O’Donnell was hanged in Newgate Prison in December 1883 for the murder of James Carey, the infamous Phoenix Park Killer and notorious Irish informer. History however tells us almost nothing of this remarkable man. Letters sent from Victor Hugo and US President Chester A. Arthur, asking Queen Victoria to show clemency, hint at an extraordinary life for an Irish peasant.
In this extraordinary new book the author reveals in intimate and fascinating detail, through a series of letters, the incredible life of one man — and the times in which he lived.
Explore the condemned man’s life and times through this unique work of creative fiction, entwined with historical fact; from the Great Hunger to the typhoid sheds of Quebec; from his service in the Confederate army and capture in 1863; to the O’Donnell massacre at Wiggan’s Patch, Pennsylvania; and ultimately to that fateful day when he put three bullets into the traitor Carey.

Historical Fiction



Wherever the Road Leads

Lang-Slattery, K.

A 2 year adventure in a VW van in the early 1970s

Wherever the Road Leads offers a panorama of destinations off the tourist track and a glimpse of overland travel in the 1970s. The author shares her interest in cooking and her love of exploring local markets, as well as her fascination with clothing and native dress. The memoir is beautifully illustrated with photos, pen and ink drawings, quick sketches, and hand-drawn route maps. Perfect for the armchair adventurer, this memoir will open your eyes about what it was like to travel before the internet and cell phones.

Historical NonFiction



Immigrant Soldier, The Story of a Ritchie Boy


Coming of age immigrant story meets WWII adventure

Immigrant Soldier, The Story of a Ritchie Boy, based on the true experiences of a refugee from Nazi Germany, combines a coming-of-age story with an immigrant tale and a World War II adventure. On a cold November morning in 1938, Herman watches in horror as his cousin is arrested. As a Jew, he realizes it is past time to flee Germany, a decision that catapults him from one adventure to another, his life changed forever by the gathering storm of world events. Gradually, Herman evolves from a frustrated teenager, looking for a place to belong, into a confident US Army intelligence officer. The reader is swept along as the hero experiences fear, romance, loyalty, disappointment, friendship, horror, and compassion in his quest for an understanding of hate and forgiveness.

Immigrant Soldier is a solid historical work laced with well-researched and often little-known information about World War II.

Historical Fiction



Lincoln Raw: a biographical novel

Fowler, D.L.

Abraham Lincoln's Lost Stories Series Book #1

Soul of a poet, son of a farmer, Abraham Lincoln tells his own coming-of-age story.

Abraham Lincoln’s boyhood dies when his father drags their family into an unforgiving Indiana wilderness. While suffering rebuke for teaching himself to read and write, he endures rumors of illegitimate birth, escapes death a half dozen times, labors to repay his father’s debts, and grieves the deaths of his brother, mother, sister, and beloved sweetheart. He casts off his parents’ religion, becomes estranged from his closest friend, and loses faith in his own character when he breaks an engagement to marry a woman he doesn’t love. Unable to keep a pledge made to his dying mother to become someone special, he wrestles with self-doubt and spirals into depression. He abandons politics and resigns himself to a life of mediocrity. But when his long-time rival opens the door for slavery’s expansion across half the globe, he faces the greatest challenge of his life—his beloved country is being ripped apart.

Historical Fiction, Historical Biography



Lincoln's Angel: The Rebecca Pomroy Story

Fowler, D.L.

Abraham Lincoln's Lost Stories Series #3

A novel of triumph over tragedy, a vital and rare story exhumed from catacombs of forgotten history.

Abraham Lincoln said: Mrs. Pomroy, when you are an old woman, please tell your grandchildren how greatly indebted the nation is to you for holding up my hands in time of trouble.

The Boston Globe April 17, 1904: She was frequently the staff upon which he leaned during days and weeks of sorrow and uncertainty.

Discover the awe-inspiring story of Rebecca Pomroy, a Civil War army nurse who changes the course of a nation. She overcomes thirty years of unrelenting affliction and grief to bring hope and healing to countless soldiers as a Civil War army nurse. But when she encounters the weight of anguish carried by President and Mrs. Lincoln, Rebecca's true calling is revealed. She must rescue them from despair and self-doubt or risk the collapse of the government.

Historical Fiction, Historical Biography



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