Elizabeth Keysian is a USA TODAY bestselling author of heart-pounding Regency romances, set mostly in the West of England. She has just completed a series for Dragonblade Publishing called Trysts and Treachery, which is set in the Tudor era. Though primarily a writer of romance, she loves to put a bit of mystery, adventure, and suspense into her stories, and refuses to let her characters take themselves too seriously.
Elizabeth likes to write from experience, not easy when her works range from the medieval to the Victorian eras. However, her passion for re-enactment has helped, as have the many years she spent working in museums and British archaeology. If you find some detail in her work you’ve never come across before, you can bet she either dug it up, quite literally, or found it on a museum shelf.
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How can Bella Hart escape the hell of the Victorian workhouse? Fleeing the abuse that she suffered there, the lonely outcast hopes her new life in a factory town can provide the esteem and affection she craves. Torn between the worlds of masters and workers, Bella falls for the enigmatic Jack, but their relationship shatters when his true identity is revealed. In a desperate bid to revive her love, Jack unearths Bella's past, with tragic consequences. After a devastating fire, a secret emerges that seals Bella's fate, and that of everyone and everything she holds dear. Fans of Catherine Cookson and Victorian historical romances will love this book.
Workhouse Waif
Elizabeth Keysian
Fans of Catherine Cookson and Victorian historical romances will love this book.
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