Angel of Aleppo
Cocks, Jon

Soldiers murder her mother. They force her from the family home.
Anoush must endure a death march through unforgiving desert, as Armenian refugees perish all about her, some of the million-plus whose blood forever stains the hands of the Ottoman Turks and the souls of their descendants.
Courageously keeping her small group of neighbourhood women together, Anoush endures the brutish guards driving a massive column of women, children, and old men south from Anatolia through Aleppo to the Mesopotamian desert. She learns to nurse against all odds in a city overflowing with diseased and starving refugees. She becomes the Angel of Aleppo.
In the years that follow, can she find the will to be the woman her mama raised her to be? Can she summon the strength to care?
From Anatolia to Aleppo and beyond, through the outrages and injustices of the 1915 Armenian Genocide, Angel of Aleppo, a Story of the Armenian Genocide is about losing everything but the healing power of love.