Bonnie holds a M.A. in creative writing from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. After graduation, she worked for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in environmental research, where she translated science into articles and papers for the Department of Energy. For over 20 years, she owned a small-animal veterinary hospital with her husband while raising their two children, beekeeping, and traveling extensively. More recently, she has returned to her creative writing roots, hosting a blog of personal essays. Several of these have been cross-published on widely read websites. She has completed two novels and is currently at work on a third.
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Bonnie Blaylock
“This moving tale of family bonds and the resilience of mothers and daughters is filled with rich period details, regional dialect, and fascinating local customs and foods… Readers of Kim Michele Richardson, Ann H. Gabhart, and Kim Vogel Sawyer will also enjoy this engaging historical novel.”
Light to the Hills
Bonnie Blaylock
A richly rewarding novel about family bonds, the power of words, and the resilience of mothers and daughters in 1930s Appalachia.
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