A native of Nova Scotia, Canada, Bruce has been a writer, author and public relations professional in the travel and tourism industries since the mid-1990s. His articles and photographs have appeared in publications in Canada, the US, the UK, Australia and Brazil. He has worked for Fodor's, Michelin, DK Eyewitness, and Marco Polo guidebook publishers.
He began writing fiction in early 2020 and has three interlinked (period) novels to his portfolio: Unconventional Daughters, Uncommon Sons and Undeniable Relations. He is currently adapting Unconventional Daughters for television.
More Books by
Bruce W. Bishop

In the post war renaissance of the 1950s, the idealistic daughter of a fishing industry magnate grapples with knowing that her father’s decades-old criminal activities, hidden under the guise of respectability, have impacted everyone she loves.
Deidre Doherty is aware she has led a privileged life in the small town of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, while others have not been so lucky. Her burning desire to tackle the social justice issues of the day—systemic racism, sexism, and homophobia— propels her to try and reconcile the inequities she sees around her.
A personal loss, after her marriage to a young history teacher, profoundly affects them both. Deidre’s father encourages the couple to forget the tragedy and move on. Dean Doherty’s approach is reflective of his cynical nature as he has no time for anything that does not serve his own self interest.
As Deidre discovers more and more about her parents’ early marriage, and the sources of the Doherty wealth, tension builds. When the secrets and lies are exposed, Dean Doherty will pay the price that the past demands.
Undeniable Relations is the third novel in Bruce W. Bishop’s Families’ Storytelling trilogy. Readers of the other two novels, Unconventional Daughters, and Uncommon Sons, will be happy to see four beloved characters return. Join them and Deidre in a compelling tale of deception and intrigue.
Reviews from Authors:
"Delightful surprises, astonishing twists, and remarkable characters make for a cracking good story." – Allan Hudson, author of the Shattered series
"…a wonderfully fresh approach to one of my favorite mixed genres: historical fiction/murder mystery…" – Anne Louise O’Connell, author of Deep Deceit and Mental Pause
"Undeniable Relations, the third title in Bruce Bishop's Families' Storytelling trilogy, weaves high drama, crime, and love in its many guises. It’s a novel so gripping that it demands a double read -- first to fly aloft on the wings of its powerful dramatic pace, and again to float gently over its tender depictions of human strength, generosity and love.
Settings we encountered in the first two books -- Nova Scotia and Scandinavia -- emerge again, along with gripping new characters ranging from criminals, bullies and ne'er-do-wells, to seemingly ordinary people whose faith, tenacity and character reflect a quiet but inspiring nobility.
The resulting mix is uplifting and unforgettable."
- Isobel Warren, author of In Them Days
Undeniable Relations
Bruce W. Bishop
A page-turning mystery set in 1950s Nova Scotia, Canada (Families' Storytelling)
Book Excerpt or Article
Friday, January 10, 1958
When he was shoved off the public wharf into the depths of Yarmouth Harbor at high tide, he had no time to speculate whether anyone had witnessed his murder. He didn’t even have a moment to be angry with himself for having agreed to meet his killer at the wharf. The fog was “as thick as pea soup” the locals say, and it was impossible to tell what anybody was doing a couple of feet in front of, or behind you. It was as if that mass of white had been expressly ordered by his enemy to swallow the town, and him with it.
When he hit the surface, he thrashed about in the blackness, and he knew his life would soon be over. He had never learned to swim, and the shock of the frigid harbor that assaulted his body lulled him into complete submission. The claustrophobic saltwater demanded to fill his mouth, nose, and ears. He lapsed into unconsciousness, and as death overtook him, he welcomed it: whatever had gone wrong, or whatever he had done wrong in his life, now meant nothing.
After his demise, his body slowly floated southward. The fluorescent pools of gasoline on the harbor’s surface, cigarette butts, candy wrappers and miscellaneous paper products accompanied him. When his body was found many hours later at low tide, it had not yet reached the mouth of the harbor, but had become entangled in rocks and ubiquitous masses of seaweed. Some would later say that it was a righteous end for a person like himself.
Wednesday, May 30, 1956
Thirty-one-year-year old Angus McMaster had been living in Halifax since he was eleven years old, but was born in Yarmouth. He and his mother Eva left that town in 1935; a few local gossips still spoke of the scandal that preceded their departure. Eva was the granddaughter of Captain Jacob and Signe Burcharth. That couple’s three daughters, including Eva’s mother, Elisabet, had been the fodder for exaggerated tales of moral decline in Yarmouth due to their unconventional lifestyles.
Angus was blessed with a ready smile and a serious interest in anything historical. He had been an English teacher in Halifax, and when an opportunity arose to teach History in his hometown, he immediately applied for the job.
After stepping off the train in Yarmouth, he walked up the hill and along Main Street to the Grand Hotel. To stay there for the time being was a luxury for the schoolteacher, but he hoped it wouldn’t be for too long. For financial reasons, he had to find a decent, furnished apartment to rent as soon as possible.
He had put his suitcase on the luggage rack in his guestroom when the telephone rang.
“Yes? Angus McMaster here.”
“It’s the hotel operator. I have a long-distance call for you from Denmark. Let me patch you through.”
Angus heard a couple of clicks and then the familiar, reassuring voice of his mother came over the line.
“How’re you doing, sweetie? All settled in?”
“Hi Mom! No, not exactly, but your timing is spot-on. Where’re you now?”
“I told you I’d call you today, dear,” Eva McMaster replied. “I’m in Copenhagen with your Uncle Marc. He was able to leave his job in Stockholm for a couple of weeks, so we’ll tour around the country and maybe go to Amsterdam. I’m a free woman, Angus, and I’m having the time of my life!”
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