I am a retired history teacher, again living in CA after 20 years in the glorious NW, but I'm happy to be back in CA with the grand kids growing up.
My love of history began at a very early age, and when I gave up make believe games, I turned to telling myself stories and eventually to writing. I have multiple stories in my head, but finding time to write them is sometimes hard. I presently have nine books in my series.
As a history teacher, the best thing about teaching was bringing history to life. Of less importance are the dates, the wars, the statesmen and generals. It is the lives of the everyday people that make history fun to experience. Travel in the cramped space of a sailing ship across the vast ocean, struggle to build a home in a new land. What do you eat? What do you wear? What kind of home do you live in and how do you keep warm in winter and survive the heat and insects of summer? History should be exciting and eye opening, and never boring. Though most of my books take place in England, three are in the colonies.
I am still writing, and hope to have more books published. Fact is, I cannot imagine life without writing. Still, settling back in Ca. has kept me busy with getting our new home into shape. Still, almost every night, I find a few minutes to write. It is a joy.
My books are romances filled with exciting adventures and sometimes mysteries. I love them and love to share them.
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Celia Martin

To Challenge Destiny is the first in a series of 17th century English and American Colonial adventure romances. The story begins with Charles II defeat by Cromwell, and two of the men, Adler Hayward and Latimer Draye, who fought with the King and are escaping to New Netherland in the company of the Fortiers. Heartbroken at leaving his home and family, Adler finds solace in the eyes of Glynneth, the wife of Etienne Fortier. The Fortiers and their family, including Etienne’s father, brother and his brother’s wife, and Etienne’s and Glynneth’s two children, are bound for New Netherland not only to build a new family fortune but in the hope, the climate will help Etienne who suffers from consumption. Adler and his friend, Latimer Draye, decide to join them and seek their own destinies in the new world.
Though Adler loves Glynneth more than life itself, he is devoted to her husband, and he and Draye are protective of the Fortier family. To earn their living, Adler and Draye become woodsmen, trading with the Mohawks and sharing several near-death adventures.
Despite her deep love for Etienne, Glynneth recognizes the attraction she feels for Adler. With her husband’s death, she must decide where her future lies, but before she can make any decision, she must fight for her life as an assailant abducts her and carries her into the hinterland. Calling on the wilderness skills Adler taught her, she escapes and is reunited with Adler. Now she must decide what will be her destiny.
To Challenge Destiny
Celia Martin
Escaping England after the Royalist defeat at Worcester in 1651, Adler Hayward and his friend, Latimer Draye, join the Fortier family bound for New Netherland.
Book Excerpt or Article
Adler Hayward slumped in his saddle but kept his eyes glued on the bobbing lantern light far ahead in the dark. His arms ached, his legs ached, his head throbbed, and his parched throat cried out for a drink, a drink of anything. What he, a yeoman farmer, was doing on a damned horse traveling down narrow, poorly maintained country lanes in the middle of this dank dreary night was a question he guessed he would never be able to answer.
He could blame his younger brother Caleb for being so blasted good looking with his dark auburn hair and green, heavy-lidded eyes, he had won the heart and hand of Sir Yardley’s older daughter, Sidonie. Or he could blame Sidonie’s brothers Cyril and William for being so persuasive they convinced Caleb and then him to join their cavalry troop despite his and his brother’s meager riding capabilities and lack of experience with swords or pistols.
“’Tis no matter do you fight on foot with musket and pike or on horseback with sword and sawed off musket, but fight you must unless you want to live out your life under Roundhead mastery,” said Cyril Yardley. “We need ride hard to join up with the King. You cannot cover the miles afoot.” The Yardleys provided the Haywards with horses and armaments and off they went, joining up with King Charles in time to share in his defeat at Worcester. Now they made up part of the King’s guard as he hit out into the hinterland in a desperate bid to escape capture by Cromwell’s victorious forces. Adler had no idea where they headed, he but followed his King.
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