H. (Helena) Barnard is a historical fiction author. Born in Australia, Helena now resides in northern England, at the foot of Hadrian’s Wall. A Painted Winter is her debut novel and is book one of the four-part Pictish Conspiracy series. Helena has a passion for history and archaeology, particularly in relation to iron age and early medieval Britain. As a historical fiction writer, she focuses on shining a light on lesser-known fascinating moments in history and bringing these moments to life for readers. Helena was previously a practising lawyer, with a Master of Laws (LLM), Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Bachelor of Arts.
More Books by
H. Barnard
In the misty highlands of fourth century Scotland, two Pictish brothers conspire with the Ancient People from beyond the Great Wall to attack the Romans.
Roman power in Britannia is weakening. Brothers Brei and Taran, Princes and warriors of a Pictish Kingdom, seek revenge against the Romans for attacking their city, killing their father, and taking their mother as a slave.
The sudden arrival of Sorsha, a mysterious woman with an incredible gift, sets the brothers on a path to warfare.
A Painted Winter is book one of the four-part Pictish Conspiracy Series. H. Barnard’s debut novel blends historical fiction and Celtic mythology in a thrilling adventure that will leave you wondering who the real barbarians are ….
A Painted Winter
H. Barnard
Pictish Conspiracy Series Book 1
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