Writer and poet Patricia Furstenberg authored 18 books to date. Standing out are: historical bestseller Joyful Trouble, page-turner Silent Heroes, history and folklore-inspired Transylvania’s History A to Z: 100 Word Stories and Dreamland, and beloved children’s literature The Cheetah and the Dog.
The recurrent motives in her writing are unconditional love and war, while Patricia’s keen interest for history and dogs brought her writing, through a perfect loop, to her native Romania, Patricia being the creator of #Im4Ro hashtag, sharing positive stories.
Patricia grew up in Bucharest and was brought up listening to the legends and folktales of Romania’s past. She came to writing through reading, her passion for books being something she inherited from her parents. Her writing career followed a sinuous road that passed through a Medical Degree, practicing medicine, extensive traveling, and it also produced a happy marriage and two children.
Patricia was voted Author of the Year at the Spillwords Press Awards MMXXIII.
Patricia blogs extensively, had her National TV debut, her work was featured in Libertatea Newspaper in a heartwarming interview by Andreea Archip, was on the radio at Expat Life, Guest of Romanian Diaspora Friday Book #CarteadeVineri, and has articles & interviews published by Romania Insider, Books by Women, Huffington Post UK, Biz Community SA, Secret Attic, Poetry Potion, Masticadores Rumania, Spillwords Press, The Poet Magazine, Lothlórien PoetryJournal, Plum Tree Tavern, Visual Verse, The Haiku Foundation, Erato Magazine, Militant Thistles, The Japan Society Haiku Corner, Academy of the Heart and Mind Literary Magazine, Masticadores India, Gobblers & Masticadores (Spain), Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Medusa’s Kitchen, WSA Writers Space Africa, The Drabble, Cold Moon Journal, Green Ink Poetry, Kalahari Review, The AVBOB Poetry Competition, Setu Bilingual Literary Journal, Ariel Chart Literary Journal, Active Muse, Sparks of Calliope, “Bud & Branch” Poetry Collection by Green Ink Poetry, “Our Changing Earth” Poetry Collection by The Poem Magazine, Friday Flash Fiction, Poetry Pea Journal, Oddball Magazine, and forthcoming: The Kingfisher Journal, Amethyst Review, The BeZine.
More Books by
Patricia Furstenberg

A collection of 100-word stories sprinkled with breathtaking photographs depicting Transylvania's unspoiled natural beauty, its tumultuous history, and the people who touched.
Transylvania’s History A to Z: 100 Word Stories
Patricia Furstenberg
Romania in 100-Word Stories, Folklore and History
Book Excerpt or Article
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