Steve Williams is retired after a working lifetime with Barclays and Santander. Married with 3 grown up children, he lives in Milton Keynes. He walks, reads and does jigsaws, but not all at the same time.
Football is his passion and he is a proud MK Dons season ticket holder since their first season in 2004. A member of the Northamptonshire Battlefields Society, the Battlefields Trust and the Richard III Society. He obtained a scholarship to read history at Oxford but switched to law. He is a historian by interest rather than by training.
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Steve Williams

The Rising Sunne of York… Edward IV becomes King.
He is the eldest living son of Richard, Duke of York and is from the Blood Royale. King Edward III is his great, great, grandfather. His cousin is Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, who some call ‘the Kingmaker’. He is not the son of a King, but he becomes King.
Born in Rouen, he lives his early years in France, Ireland and England as he follows the undulating career of his father during a period of political instability and uncertainty in the reign of King Henry VI. Ludlow in the Welsh Marches is where he is brought up, schooled and trained along with his younger brother Edmund.
The wheel of fortune turns, and turns again, for his father and then him, as the Wars of the Roses breaks out. The York family is set against the Lancaster family. Soon everything is at stake.
The sun of York is rising.
The Rising Sunne of York
Steve Williams
The York family is set against the Lancaster family. Soon everything is at stake.
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