Collegium, Brotherhood of Roagues
Remus, Philip
Collegium, Brotherhood of Rogues” is based around historically factual events.
Egypt has fallen, Cleopatra and Antonius are dead by their own hands and Octavius Caesar is now the most powerful man on earth. But Caesar’s position is far from secure.
Enemies in the Senate are already plotting against him.
Renegade legionaries still loyal to Antonius are fermenting rebellion, among them, the renegade legate of the Third Aegyptus, Titus Eximius, who, sworn to topple the young tyrant, escapes from Egypt and turns to the Barbarians of Moesia to raise a Celtic army to invade Italy, financed by a vast treasure hidden by Marcus Antonius years ago.
Titus has no idea that Caesar’s legions are secretly poised to conquer Moesia to secure the empire’s frontiers along the mighty Danube River.
In Rome, an insidious group of senators and political enemies led by Fannius Caepio are plotting Caesar’s assassination, but they know they’re powerless without military assistance, and so, an alliance is made