Stealing the Holy Grail by S. M. Perlow, a book I requested from Netgalley, was a heart-pounding gallop through another rendition of the King Arthur stories. I am a sucker for a great Camelot story, and this one did not disappoint. This one takes on the story of Perceval and his quest for the Grail, as he tries to prove worthy not only to become a knight of the Grail but to achieve the love of the Grail Princess, Cera. When, at last, his quest is complete and her love is won, both entertain thoughts of the Grail’s true purpose in the world. Cera and Perceval, knowing and understanding the Grail’s meaning, that of life itself, swear to bring this gift to the world instead of hiding it away in a box meant only for worthy knights on a grail quest. But as in all the Camelot stories, danger lurks and evil fights against the good. This time, in the personage of Merlin and a hell-raising fighter named Roan, both of whom lend their souls to the Devil’s bidding. I loved the accents of historical fiction woven into the storyline, as well as the fantastical and lyrical threads of the myths. Nimue, as the Lady of the Lake, and Cera, as the ultimate protector of the Grail, portray incredibly strong women with a will of their own and minds fixed on their purpose. This is a book I won’t forget for a long time. The writing was flawless, beautiful, raw, heart-wrenching, viseral, and inspiring. I was so thankful to see on the last page instead of reading “The End”, finding the words “Book One”; which means I will anxiously await the next in the series. These books will go on my shelf, right next to my copy of “The Mists of Avalon.” Bravo, S. M. Perlow, bravo!!!
Now on pre-order, release date March 25, 2021, get it here: