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Historical Times March Issue Now Available

The March Issue 20 Byzantine edition is now available and you can see a preview here:

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What is in this issue?

  • Featured article by Daniel Greene, author of the Northern Wolf series, as he examines the fall of the Varangian Guard

  • Elizabeth R. Andersen takes a look at the surprisingly egalitarian world of the Mamluks

  • Marina Koulouri delves into the legend of the Marble King

  • Rob Bauer discovers how the Byzantines had fun without the gladiators

  • Ayse Osmanoglu looks into the life of the Sultan's Byzantine wife

  • Anna Engel writes about the last Byzantine Princess

  • and Lily Style reveals her love for Byzantium Forever!

Also, this new issue features art work from the Byzantine era, in particular the famous Paris Psalter; and readers will be able to read reviews from The Historical Fiction Company, plus purchase some amazing new books to add to your to-read stack.


For authors: if you would like to purchase an ad for upcoming issues, or submit an article, use the following links to learn more:


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